Starting a new Nuxtjs project

I have been toying with a side-project for some time now called When I started it I wanted to quickly get something in front of users to get a sense of the interest in the idea. I wrote everything using Expressjs, Pug templates and SASS. I also used Auth0 for authentication and am hosting the MongoDB database on Atlas.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of this, and some of the pieces will remain. My intention was always to adopt a modern framework if the idea showed promise. I also wanted to separate the front-end from the back-end, with Express being used expressly as an API server which talks to the MongoDB instance on Atlas.

After considering the options out there I decided to stick with my original decision to rewrite the front-end using Nuxtjs. I really like Vue.js and prefer its conventions and stylistic choices over React. I do use React and I am particularly interested in the new Remix framework which is built on top of React. For this project though, I am sticking to my original decision and going with Nuxtjs.

As I am going to be learning Nuxtjs, as well as Vue.js for that matter, I thought I would share my journey with you. And so, here we are. Without further ado, let's get started shall we?

NOTE: To follow along you will need Nodejs installed. The best way to install Node is with either nvm or nvs. I will also be using Yarn, but feel free to use NPM if it is your tool of choice.

Bootstrapping the project

As with all frameworks, Nuxt comes with a number of useful conventions and utilities. The first of these we will use is create-nuxt-app which we will use to create a new Nuxt project. I am first going to change directory into my dev folder:

cd ~/mechanical-ink/dev

NOTE: I am not creating a folder for the project, I am simple changing directory into the parent directory. Creation of the project directory will be handled by create-nuxt-app.

I will first make sure that I am using version 16 of Node:

nvm use 16

The above should output something like:

Now using node v16.13.1 (npm v8.1.2)

Next we create out Nuxt project:

yarn create nuxt-app ourbackyard-frontend

Nuxt is going to ask you a couple of questions to get everything set-up just the way you need it. My answers were as follows:

And off it goes! It will now do its thing and get the project created and set-up.

NOTE: You can read additional information about your choices under the features documentation.

Once completed, you should see something like the following:

🎉  Successfully created project ourbackyard-frontend

  To get started:

    cd ourbackyard-frontend
    yarn dev

  To build & start for production:

    cd ourbackyard-frontend
    yarn build
    yarn start

  To test:

    cd ourbackyard-frontend
    yarn test

✨  Done in 700.11s.

Following the steps to get started and opening http://localhost:3000 should show the default Nuxtjs landing page. Neat!

Opening the project in your editor of choice will show a number of files and folders. We will touch on the purpose of these as we go along. One thing to do before we go further is to delete components/Tutorial.vue, components/NuxtLogo.vue, and test/NuxtLogo.spec.js.

NOTE: If you are using VSCode, I highly recommend you install Vue VSCode Snippets by Sarah Drasner.

Rounding the basis

Before we dive into creating components, we need to do some global setup. First, let’s create our default layout. This will be the layout that is used for all pages that do not specify a layout.

At the root of the project, create a layouts/default.vue file with the following content:

  <Nuxt />

That is the minimum we need to have here. We will build this out a bit more soon though. You can also read more about layouts in the Nuxtjs documentation.

Next we will update our nuxt.config.js. This is the brains of the operation and one of the most important files in a Nuxt project. The first configuration we want to change is the title. Currently it is using the name from package.json as the title.

head: {
  title: 'Welcome to - Connecting people with local businesses',

I am also going to change the meta description:

meta: [
    hid: "description",
    name: "description",
    content: "A platform to connect people with local businesses",

For this project I use the Poppins font family. If you are loading your font family from say Google fonts, you should configure the link element that will load it inside Nuxt config. I might change my mind later but for now, I am going to go ahead and do just that.

If you are doing the same, Google fonts will provide you with some HTML you can use to load your chosen font(s). Something like the following:

<link rel="preconnect" href="" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin />

In Nuxt config, we will update the existing link property to the following:

link: [
  { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' },
  { rel: 'preconnect', href: '' },
    rel: 'preconnect',
    href: '',
    crossorigin: 'true',
    rel: 'stylesheet',
    href: ';300;600;800&display=swap',

I also need to set up some global styles. Firstly I will create a folder named assets at the root of the project and a folder named sass inside it. To get started, I will only have a main.scss file in the sass folder that set some very basic styles and includes a reset stylesheet which I store inside assets/sass/lib.

I Nuxt config, we define our global style using the css property:

// Global CSS:
css: ["~/assets/sass/main.scss"],

NOTE: The tilde(~) is a special character that tells Nuxt to look for the file starting at the base(root) directory of the project.

In the static folder I am also going to update the favicon.ico and icon.png to the correct versions I already have prepared. If you now stop and restart the development server, you will find that the build fails. This is because, while you can use SASS with Vue and Nuxt, the CLI did not install the dependencies for SASS by default.

To fix this, run the following in your terminal:

yarn add -D sass sass-loader@10.1.1

NOTE: You will see that I specified a specific version for sass-loader. At the time of writing, this is the version that Nuxt expects. Installing a never version will not work.

Running yarn dev now should work as before. To confirm that everything is loading as expected, open up the index.vue file inside the pages folder. Remove the <Tutorial /> component and replace it with the following:

<h1>Welcome to</h1>

If you inspect the h1 you should see that it is using whichever font family and style you have set in your global styles.

Ok, let’s dig into some components. Inside the components folder go ahead and create a new file called SiteHeader.vue. As I am focusing on things relevant to Ourbackyard, I won’t share to much code here as it will probably irrelevant to you. With that said, here is your first opportunity to use one of the Vue snippets if you are using VSCode. With the new file open, type vbase. When it is highlighted, hit enter. You should now have code similar to the following:


export default {};

<style lang="scss" scoped></style>

NOTE: The scoped attribute above is not a standard HTML attribute but is used by vue-loader to allow scoped CSS. In other words, CSS that will only be applicable to the current component. If you have used other framework, you might appreciate the simplicity of this. Also, if you are not using SASS, you should change the value of the lang attribute to say css.

Once you are have the basics in place for you site header, we need to add it to our default layout. Open up the layouts/default.vue file and add the following after the closing template tag:


Inside the script tag type vimport and select vimport-export from the options. This should add the following snippet:

import Name from "@/components/Name.vue";

export default {
  components: {

There will also be three active cursors. Select the Name text and replace it with SiteHeader to end up with:

import SiteHeader from "@/components/SiteHeader.vue";

export default {
  components: {

Next, update the template code to the following:

  <div class="site-wrapper">
    <SiteHeader />
    <Nuxt />

Here is my basic SiteHeader component:

  <header class="site-header">
    <h1 class="logo">
      <a href="/">
        <span class="visually-hidden"></span>

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.logo {
  &::before {
    background: transparent url("~/assets/media/logo.svg") center center
    content: "";
    display: block;
    height: 100px;
    width: 370px;

If your server has been running, it should have reloaded and you should now see the header. If not, start-up your server and reload you landing page.

For the site footer you are going to follow the exact same steps and you should end up with a template like this:

  <div class="site-wrapper">
    <SiteHeader />
    <Nuxt />
    <SiteFooter />

Sometimes you constrain the maximum width of you site-wrapper to say 1400px(87.5em) but, you do not want to constrain the footer. In that case your template can look like this:

  <div class="site-wrapper">
    <SiteHeader />
    <Nuxt />
  <SiteFooter />

This is where I will end it for the first portion of this series. I hope you learned something useful. Stay tunes for the next installment.